Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I joined another team!

This week I started as designer assistant for Stellarific Creations. I am already learning a lot about working the web, and the digi-scrapping business. I get to make layouts for her too, which I don't mind at all :). This one used her Petalicious kit:

This page shows my husband, friends, and me dressed up in costume. No, it wasn't Halloween. It was Purim. Purim is a Jewish holiday when people dress up in costumes and rejoice, celebrating courage and victory for the Jewish people. The holiday is mainly a children’s holiday, like Halloween is. Girls often dress up as Queen Ester because Queen Ester spoke up and saved the Jewish people in the story in the Book of Ester (in the Bible). The little girl at the bottom of the page, my friend Elyse, is one example.

Do you like her designs? Check out her blog at

The second page is on Purim a year later. This page uses my own gold and silver backgrounds, plus a string and fabric heart (recolored) from Stone Accent Studios.

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